Re: Update of the Wave Web Accessibility evaluation tool

coupla typos:
"The Wave indicates the present..." should be "presence"

" you read Wave output you should every cell..." should be "read
every cell..."

A minor point is that the "Welcome from our chairman" leads (annoyingly,
frustratingly) nowhere. Even if you just linked to a .gif of a letter
from the chairman to illustrate that such practice doesn't qualify...

I didn't gather from the tutorial that the scrolling price list might be
a bummer and I am confused by the reading order not being "fixed" by
WAVE in the example of the tutorial but is shown fixed in the tutorial

I think this little piece of software is *OUTSTANDING* and would be
extremely useful in the real world wherein it has addressed by far the
overwhelming majority of the actual problems encountered by blind folks
trying to use the Web. By not trying to assess every
guideline/checkpoint it attends beautifully to those that matter most.
It should be widely disseminated on its own without being hidden away in
a list of tools.

I hope that it will not suffer the fate of Bobby (and in fact most
software, including especially text editors) and become
"feature-burdened" to death. I don't mean that to minimize Bobby but
WAVE is essential *AS IS*.


Received on Saturday, 11 March 2000 17:41:34 UTC