minutes from 24 july telecon


sorry for the delay.  minutes are at: 

24 July 2000 ER Telecon

Summary of action items and resolutions
Resolution: For all "until user agents" clauses we will create
     techniques for user-side tool.
Action WC and CR: Investigate ECMA script and propose user-side tool
     AERT technique for dealing with pop-ups windows.
Action WL: investigate what Lynx community is doing with scripting.
Action CR: Ask WCAG for clarification on checkpoint 1.3 - when do you
     need to provide the auditory description and what exactly is




LK You have a window that pops up as a result of a time out, random not
from user control.  The guidelines say, "do not cause pop-ups...w/out
WL One problem, is that the author can argue that the pop-up is a
BM But there are times when you don't expect it.
WL But they could argue that you would have a good enough idea.
LK Aside from what an author might say, the text of the window could say
something about what is going on.
WL An AT should be able to pick this up.
LK This checkpoint says "until user agents" so we're talking about right
now. Does it satisfy this guideline to say in the window "hello, i am a pop-up
WC Yes, an explanation that you are in a new window is what is needed.
People get into new windows, wonder what happened, hit the back button and
can't figure out where they are.
LK Donations have gone up, can't ask people to remove.
WC Also, find out if still an until user agents clause.
LK CR what was the big question in your mind when you suggested putting
this on the agenda?
CR You suggested looking for "window.open"
LK WCAG suggests looking for in JavaScripts.  document.open is another way
of doing it.
WL Do we have a tool that analyzes scripts?
LK No one that I know is parsing scripts.
WL who is in charge of JavaSCript?  Can we ask them for the authoritative
way to write it?
HB My understanding is that ECMAScript is a snapshot of JavaScript from 4
years ago.
/* discussion of differences between JavaScript and Java */
WL Closest thing to an aciton item I can think of is to find out what
standardization is going on.
WC /* discussion about work on JavaScript */
WC want to know how many people use Lynx as their primary browser. How much
longer do we support browsers without scripts?
WL Charles and Chris do. Whole group of nerds and geeks.
WC Yes, I realize that many people do, but I want to know how many.  I
think it is an interesting question. Then they are probably parsing and
working with in some way.
LK Al Gilman keeps up on this.
WL  There are lots of people who are only concerned about finding the train
WC /* explains why some of the tables got lower priority b/c of
transformation tools. */
LK we're hearing that we should focus more on end-user tools.
WL Particularly those that deal with scripts.
LK A repair tool could be written so that if a window pops up, say "this is
a new window."  For JavaScript you would have to modify the JavaScript to send
the pop-up window through a filter.
WC evaluation: repair: transformation:  section for each under each
technique where exists (not required)
LK need to be more explicit.  "user-oriented tool" "author..." pages could
transform with author, then author use in source.
WC hearing a couple action items: 1 investiate ECMA script, 2. proposal for
AERT for this technique
LK Put user-side info in AERT or a separate document?
WC Lots of redundancy between two documents. Not many user-side.
CR Put it in now, move later.
LK With the database version you could printout a copy that was
"author-oriented" or one that is "user-oriented."  How is the database verion
WC Not started yet. Focusing on tool database.
CR Enough that if pop-up occurs notify user?  If anchor or AREA element say
"open up a new window."  If ask author if in document, then that's fine.
WC What is wherever there is an "until user agent" clause, in the AERT we
suggest a user-tool rather than ask the author to do something.
WL I like that.
LK me too.
WC What about educating the users?
WL That's an EO thing.
LK There are alot of techniques, not sure where to begin.  Therefore,
priorities would help me.
WC Before we had said that we would create a "smorgasbord."
LK But I don't want to spend time debating the priority since some of those
debates can take longer than it would to implement it. I've been working
based on needs of users.
CR Don't like putting any extra work on the users, but as long as we
restrict to "until user agents" clauses it's ok.
LK There are some repair techniques, such as provide al-text where we
suggest a corresponding text link, where we could say "do the same for the
WC CR is your concern about the user needing to download multiple tools to
access a page?
CR Yes.
WC All of these techniques could be incorporated into a single tool - like
Silas' Gateway.
Resolution: For all "until user agents" clauses we will create techniques
for user-side tool.
Action WC and CR: Investigate ECMA script and propose user-side tool AERT
technique for dealing with pop-ups windows.
Action WL: investigate what Lynx community is doing with scripting.

CR 1.3. Multimedia track requires auditory description.  What is it and do
we have to ask the user to provide?  For example, a silent movie.
WL if you don't have synchronization, the person won't know when to laugh
or cry. There are hypothetical situations when it will happen.
WC What about asking for it when needed?
CR This is a P1. If it is an important movie. If no text description don't
need auditory description?
WC Question for WCAG. General rule: if important info presented visually,
need auditory description.
Action CR: Ask WCAG for clarification on checkpoint 1.3 - when do you need
to provide the auditory description and what exactly is multimedia?

$Date: 2000/07/28 14:54:54 $ Wendy Chisholm
wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative
madison, wi usa
tel: +1 608 663 6346

Received on Friday, 28 July 2000 11:27:52 UTC