Re: Mini Market Survey for Evaluation Description Language

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Leonard R. Kasday wrote:

  1. If you evaluate web sites  how useful would it be to
  - combine results from two or more tools?


  - have results in an XML/RDF format that would enable you to create custom
  reports (assuming tools to help write the transforms were available)


  2. If you develop web sites: how useful would it be to
  - input the results into a web site authoring tool, so the authoring tool could
       . flag accessibility issues specified by EARL in the tools display of
  the site and code


       . allow you to accept or reject any suggested changes in the page
  (assuming such changes were included in the
          EARL output)?


  3. If you do user testing of web sites how useful would it be for EARL to
  record testing steps (e.g. the series of user keypresses or higher level
  actions such as link activation) and the results that obtain?


I will take the other tools to the tidy / amaya developers


Charles McCN

Received on Sunday, 17 December 2000 15:49:59 UTC