Re: Comments/Quibble on "Making Classes Accessible"

> CMN This [1] seems really nice to me....

Thanks. I was quite pleased with the result myself. Very neat.

>   [[[
>   However, from a practical point of view, it's simpler to say
>       .p1 {title: "priority 1 checkpoint" }
>   ]]] - ibid.
> CMN I figure that the value in this would be in building a different
> that read CSS-style syntax - i.e. use a CSS parser as the basis for
> the subject, and then the predicate/object become propety and value
> respectively.

So, in other words: CSS => RDF.
.'. If you had

.p1 { title: "priority 1 checkpoint"; }
You could have the ".p1" as the subject (rdf:about="[@class='p1']"), "title"
as the predicate (@rdf:value, @rdf:predicate, or @dc:title. Maybe as it is
specific to being a CSS property, we would need to assign it a new value in
an RDF Schema/namespace), and "priority 1 checkpoint" as the object
(hmmmm.....I used rdfs:label; a good choice in this case, I believe). You
could quite easily generate something like the following:-

     xmlns:rdfs="" >
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="[@class='p1']"
      <rdfs:label rdf:ID="p1c">Priority 1 Checkpoint</rdfs:label>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="#p1c">

Notice that I have used my own peculiar style of "quadding" here: I like
using rdf:ID's and then refering to them elsewhere because it can be parsed
very easily. Note that once again it parses neatly in SiRPAC.

> Personally I hate writing any syntax. But I guess this would be a
> neat tool for doing stuff locally if you had a quick generator that
> translated it to RDF syntax as per the recommendation (which,
> after all, is what should be ued as a transport syntax and understood
> somehow so that we keep interroperability)

As long as a syntax is kept as neat as it possibly can be, then it will work
(word of caution: apply that principle to EDL!). It would be a very neat
output going from CSS => RDF, as I have demonstrated, and it probably
wouldn't be too difficult to integrate it with ADL [sic].

[1] Here is the original bit of RDF:-
>   <rdf:RDF
>      xmlns:rdf=""
>      xmlns:rdfs="">
>     <rdf:Description rdf:about="[@class='p1']">
>       <rdfs:label>Priority 1 Checkpoint</rdfs:label>
>       <rdfs:isDefinedBy
>          rdf:resource="" />
>     </rdf:Description>
>   </rdf:RDF>

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
"Perhaps, but let's not get bogged down in semantics."
   - Homer J. Simpson, BABF07.

Received on Friday, 8 December 2000 15:37:51 UTC