Face to Face agenda

Here's the info for the face to face.  (It's not yet on the Agenda web 
page, due to technical difficulties.)

Meeting info is at http://www.w3.org/2000/10/erpf-f2f-agenda.html

The really crucial data is
Meeting Date Monday 4 December  (there's also a joint meeting with PF 
December 5)
meeting starts at 8:30 am at the Art Institute of Washington (AIW)
The address of the AIW is
1820 North Fort Myer Drive
Arlington, VA 22209-1802
And thanks to the Art Institutes and Macromedia for hosting this meeting!

The topic of the day will be the Accessibility Description Language 
(ADL).  See reading list below.


1. Introductions.  People will take up to 2 minutes to say
     who they are
     where they're from
     what they are looking to get out of this meeting

2. Requirements for ADL
     What do we want it do do?
     What are some concrete use cases?

3. How to implement ADL.  The main contenders are

     - an XML application with associated schema
     - RDF

We'll split into two or more groups, each of which can try out a different 

4. Groups report back.

5. Discussion of next steps.

Here's the reading list.  Most of these are threads you may want to follow 
along if you haven't already.

Requirement issues by Len 
XML Proposal by Tim 
XML Proposal by Chris 
XML Proposal by Charles http://www.w3.org/1999/11/conforms/
   notes by wendy on Charles proposal 
Notes on RDF vs. XML by Tim Berners-Lee 
Sean's issue summary of issues raised so far 

agenda http://www.w3.org/2000/10/erpf-f2f-agenda.html

Leonard R. Kasday, Ph.D.
Institute on Disabilities/UAP and Dept. of Electrical Engineering at Temple 
(215) 204-2247 (voice)                 (800) 750-7428 (TTY)
http://astro.temple.edu/~kasday         mailto:kasday@acm.org

Chair, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative Evaluation and Repair Tools Group

The WAVE web page accessibility evaluation assistant: 

Received on Friday, 1 December 2000 11:52:48 UTC