
I retired from 10 years of text processing standards work with Interleaf
(Most vertical SGML applications, DSSSL and SGML Standards committee for
ANSI and ISO) In Jan 1996, the week after Yuri Rubinsky died. Since he 
had motivated me by special invitation a month before to attend an
accessibility workshop at WWW4, I've been hooked. I've been learning the 
ropes of universal design, and whatever else I can absorb about 
accessibility. I contributed to ICADD. I was part of the XML development,
and remain part of W3C XML-WG. I have followed the other members of that
family of languages.

I remain a volunteer for the Yuri Rubinsky Insight Foundation. I've
given a number of talks on accessibility. See them at

Some are in HTML, others are inaccessible as they remain in Powerpoint '97.
I don't have enough storage on tiac to expand them into what Powerpoint 
thinks HTML is!
I've run several hundred sites through Bobby and Bobby 2.01. I've made 
numerous suggestions about Bobby 3 Beta. I found problems with almost 
all the SGML-Open member sites. A second pass through them showed that
only a few had fixed their accessibility problems. Many had gotten
worse. Likewise most of the supporting firms for Microsoft CDF push 
technology early XML application had accessibility problems with their

I expect to run Bobby 3 against key legislator's sites when I get time. 
I'll develop a concise summary as feedback. The Rules Committee members 
are key, as they establish policy for all members of House, and of Senate.
I'm currently contracted to develop an initial XML DTD for the DAISY 3.0 
next generation international talking book.

I expect to contribute from my background on tables (CALS Table Model,
SGML Open Exchange Table Model, HTML 4.0) to WAI efforts.

I try to contribute to WAI-AU, WAI-EO, WAI-UA, and now WAI-ER.

Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Monday, 10 August 1998 02:33:19 UTC