Re: Final design for WCAG Techniques, Understanding, Supplemental Guidance, Rules

Thanks so much for the quick feedback, Kevin!

Differences between the real Supplemental preview and the hacked Understanding example are just because the latter is hacked (poorly by me late at night :-). When done properly, they should use the same template CSS etc.

Re: Position of strap line/tagline -- Indeed we did have it under the document type ("Supplemental Guidance to WCAG 2", "WCAG 2.2 Understanding Documents", etc.) in a previous iteration. In tiny informal UT, it was missed there. Our requirements say it is essential that users get that info. (reinforced even this week from a conference presentation)

And, it's similar position to main WAI website header tagline.

Strictly visually, I like the tagline under the Document Type -- however, I think the other considerations say it should be separate, as in the latest design. I don't feel super strongly.

*And* I think if after more robust testing we decide otherwise, we could make that change in a later phase and it wouldn't annoy users much.


On 18-Mar-22 10:42 AM, wrote:
> Hi Shawn,
> These look good. I will add support in Github. I did check in with interaction designer and they didn't flag any big issues.
> Couple of minor things which I will flag here as I don't know if they are bugs or features!
> ·Font size in headings and in page contents differ between the Understanding example and the Supplemental example - side by side they are more apparent and eye-twitching.
> ·Strap line between two examples have different presentations for the 'not required to meet WCAG' caveat.
> ·[Minor] Not sure with the positioning of the strap line - I think it is competing with the other heading content because it is over two lines. I think this may have been explored but putting the strapline under the heading?
> Title: Sample of header section with strap line below main heading
> Thanks
> Kevin
> Kevin White
> Head of Digital Accessibility and Usability
> Phone – 07827 991 786
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From: Shawn Henry <>
>  > Sent: 18 March 2022 15:27
>  > To: EOWG (E-mail) <>
>  > Cc: Steve Lee <>
>  > Subject: Final design for WCAG Techniques, Understanding, Supplemental Guidance,
>  > Rules
>  >
>  > Hi EOWG folks,
>  >
>  > I hope you got lots done in your EOWG-meeting-less 2 hours today. :-)
>  >
>  > The latest design for the WCAG docs is in this working preview:
>  > <>
>> short-paths/  <>
>  >
>  > A non-functional single example Understanding page that is hacked without working links
>  > etc is here:
>  > <>
>  >
>  > Unless any red flags are raised, we will go with this for "Phase 1", and continue to refine
>  > it.
>  >
>  >
>  > * If you want to show your support for this Phase 1 design, you can on this GitHub
>  > issue/comment:
>  > <>
>  > At the top right and also at the bottom left of the comment box is a little smiley face icon.
>  > aria-label=Add your reaction When you click on it, a popup appears with more icons. If
>  > you hover, it gives text description, e.g., the first thumbs up is labelled "+1". Select one
>  > and it shows up in the bottom of the comment. Hover over the icon and a pop up should
>  > show your GitHub nick with that icon.
>  >
>  > * If you have suggestions for changes, please do *not* put them in that GitHub issue.
>  > Instead, put them here:
>  > <>
>  > Please indicate if you think they need to be addressed in Phase 1, or can be later.
>  > (optionally, you can set the Milestone)
>  >
>  > ---
>  >
>  > Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.
>  >
>  > Thanks much!
>  >
>  > ~Shawn
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Received on Friday, 18 March 2022 17:44:19 UTC