Re: Upcoming conference (Nov 17-18)

Wow this looks great Michelle, and what a terrific opening act 😊

On Fri, Nov 5, 2021 at 8:58 AM Michele Williams <>

> Hi everyone, I mentioned in the meeting that I'll be presenting at
> Webflow's No-Code Conf <>. Webflow
> <> is a no-code Web development tool and I've been
> working with them on accessibility.
> I'm co-presenting a talk
> <>
> entitled, "Accessibility at Webflow: How we design with disability in
> mind". It will feature a lot of shout-outs to WAI resources!
> Though the conference is virtual and most talks are remote, we're one of a
> few groups presenting live at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco and
> it will be quite the production. We're also following a keynote discussion
> with Trevor Noah (or, rather, Trevor Noah agreed to open for us 😊).
> Full agenda <> has more details and
> you'll find registration links throughout the pages and detailed
> accessibility information in the FAQ section. Also, if you have trouble
> with registration, feel free to email the conference organizers at
> Regards,
> Michele Williams
> Fellow EOWG member

Received on Friday, 5 November 2021 14:12:54 UTC