- From: Michele Williams <mawilliams031@outlook.com>
- Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2021 09:57:52 -0400
- To: w3c-wai-eo@w3.org
- Message-ID: <BN7PR02MB52682295E7A1698FB0CFF7EEEA8E9@BN7PR02MB5268.namprd02.prod.outlook.com>
Hi everyone, I mentioned in the meeting that I'll be presenting at Webflow's No-Code Conf <https://webflow.com/nocodeconf>. Webflow <https://webflow.com/> is a no-code Web development tool and I've been working with them on accessibility. I'm co-presenting a talk <https://webflow.com/nocodeconf/session/accessibility-at-webflow-how-we-design-with-disability-in-mind> entitled, "Accessibility at Webflow: How we design with disability in mind". It will feature a lot of shout-outs to WAI resources! Though the conference is virtual and most talks are remote, we're one of a few groups presenting live at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco and it will be quite the production. We're also following a keynote discussion with Trevor Noah (or, rather, Trevor Noah agreed to open for us 😊). Full agenda <https://webflow.com/nocodeconf/agenda> has more details and you'll find registration links throughout the pages and detailed accessibility information in the FAQ section. Also, if you have trouble with registration, feel free to email the conference organizers at ncc@webflow.com. Regards, Michele Williams Fellow EOWG member
Received on Friday, 5 November 2021 13:58:20 UTC