Thank you!! and last chance to review EO comments to COGA

 Greetings all,

We are in the home stretch, good work folks, thanks! I have attached the
narrative document that we intend to send to COGA on Tuesday or Wednesday 1
or 2 September. If you have comments please get them to us ASAP and by EOD
Monday at the latest.

First, lots of thanks to go around - THANKS to everyone for your review,
thoughtful comments, and respectful discussion - it is a joy to work with
all of you!

Special thanks to Laura for her careful reading, to Vicki for collating and
organizing all the comments, to Kevin for keeping us focused, and to Shawn
for sewing it all together in a lovely narrative quilt.

*To comment on the attached document* and suggest changes, please provide
your input as tracked changes in Word. Turn on Review > Track Changes. Then
send the Word doc as an email attachment to

*If we missed something *We tried to focus on structural and big picture
comments. If you find that some of your copyediting suggestions or other
comments are not included, please do feel free to submit them as an issue
to the COGA GitHUb repository <> or
the e-mail list <>

Remember the deadline for public comment is 04 September. Thanks again and
have an enjoyable weekend!

Sharron, Brent, and Shawn

Received on Saturday, 29 August 2020 01:52:08 UTC