Direct Outreach on Implementing WCAG 2.1

Hello EOWG Members,
Right now the most significant barrier to access for people with Low Vision
is lack of implementation for WCAG 2.1. I imagine this is also an issue for
Cognitive Disabilities as well.

For low vision, on issue is particularly critical: Sticky headers, footers
and buttons disable the responsive gains of the past 8 years for people who
need responsive enlargement.

Another serious issue is the failure caused by not including role="img" on
icon fonts. Icon fonts are great when they are identified semantically.

I think a letter from EOWG to educational institutions in the US as well as
news outlets that these issues exists, constitute a significant barrier and
do not meet current standards could be very helpful.

For example if Awsome Fonts accessibility page could include the need for
role="img" on "i" and "span" elements, it could have a dramatic impact.

Consider this.

Sincerely, Wayne

Received on Sunday, 25 November 2018 22:26:27 UTC