Yup. Sounds great to me.
Denis Boudreau, CPACC
Inclusive public speaking coach & trainer, INKLUSIV Communications
2018 Vice-President Communications, Canadian Association of Professional
Speakers (Montreal Chapter)
Let's connect: dboudreau01@gmail.com | 514-730-9168 <javascript:void(0);> |
Twitter <https://twitter.com/dboudreau> | LinkedIn
On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 3:27 PM Sharron Rush <srush@knowbility.org> wrote:
> Denis Boudreau <dboudreau01@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ... a taskforce actually gives its participating members additional
>> street cred, which is always nice... Some of us can leverage things like
>> that further down the line to get approvals for time and budget from our
>> respective employers. But I'd argue that the project/group would need to
>> show meaningful progress first.
> Good points. So shall we agree that when the group feels that enough
> progress is made and/or the need for street cred is clear, we will jump
> through the needed hoops to form an official TF? There is no reason not to
> when we are further down the line, as Denis says.
> Thanks all!
> Sharron