Accessible Media Tutorial - approval to publish!

Hello dear EOWG colleagues,

I know there is much to do these days as we countdown to the usability
testing and launch of the re-designed WAI site and here I am writing to ask
for more.

We did a fairly in depth review of the Accessible Media Tutorial in June.
However there have been significant updates based on your comments and we
need a final round of careful review in order to publish this resource and
get it out of draft status.

Please complete the Accessible Media Survey
<>. Remember that you can
do it in parts - take a few sections and save your survey to come back and
complete it at another time.  It will remain open until 19 September but
you can start now and work through it in small chunks.

Thanks for your attention to this and for all you do!

Sharron, Brent, and Shawn

Sharron Rush | Executive Director | | @knowbility
*Equal access to technology for people with disabilities*

Received on Saturday, 9 September 2017 16:14:30 UTC