Re: [for review] Implementing Web Accessibility

Thanks for the feedback Paul! Kudos to Kevin who has been doing the 
heavy lifting and editing the document based on EO -your- feedback.


On 5.9.2014 07:31, Paul Schantz wrote:
> Shadi,
> The wiki was doing weird stuff with the text I entered, so I'll add my
> comments here:
> Seriously great work on massaging this document.  The introduction was
> rewritten with exactly the tone I was trying to explain last week.  As for
> the rest of the document, I'm surprised at how much easier it is to follow
> with expandable key actions.  The text seems more concise and - for lack of
> a better description - *thoughtful*.  Overall it strikes the right tone
> between conversational and "project spec."  Very easy to follow and
> flexible, succinct, and clear.  The changes also make the related resources
> more obvious and immediately relevant.
> The edits have really transformed this document.  Again, nice work!
> ------------------------------------------
> Paul Schantz
> Director, Web and Technology Services
> Division of Student Affairs
> California State University, Northridge
> phone:  818.677.3839
> email:
> twitter: @paulschantz
> Input | Intellection | Responsibility | Connectedness | Individualization |
> Accessibility
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Shadi Abou-Zahra <> wrote:
>> Dear EOWG,
>> An updated draft of the document "Implementing Web Accessibility" is ready
>> for your review. However, please only focus on these sections:
>>   * Introduction
>>   * Determine Your Goal and Gather Support
>>   * Integrate into Project Life Cycle
>>   * Ensure Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance
>> These updated sections can be found here (ignore the other sections):
>>   -
>> github.io_wai-2Dplanning-2Dand-2Dimplementation_Overview.html&d=AAICAw&c=
>> Oo8bPJf7k7r_cPTz1JF7vEiFxvFRfQtp-j14fFwh71U&r=Xy0eRq0fB8DDnec5KNrUljZOD-
>> dTP9BcEAuzhL4lozjnqhMlHZh0hhvrikY7I4qx73JJw&e=
>> For this week, please focus on:
>>   - How well is accessibility being explained and communicated as an
>> on-going effort, rather than a start-to-end process?
>>   - How easy is it to follow for people who are new to accessibility, yet
>> how flexible is it to address different situations?
>>   - How succinct is the information provided, how clear is it, and how well
>> does it guide people to taking real actions?
>> Please provide your comments in the wiki page ahead of the call:
>>   -
>> brief_Mzgz&d=AAICAw&c=Oo8bPJf7k7r_cPTz1JF7vEiFxvFRfQtp-j14fFwh71U&r=
>> Xy0eRq0fB8DDnec5KNrUljZOD-VeOQWrIs-pCvPYJYM&m=bMEDNdvV05_
>> bOlBOCxIKoX8kniQWvSAnYIBKELwHlIo&s=zChS6pfHaYLGwRk57BpJKbE0wr3DCo
>> 6_iFpw75oLLt8&e=
>> Regards,
>>    Shadi
>> --
>> Shadi Abou-Zahra - https://urldefense.proofpoint.
>> com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.w3.org_People_shadi_&d=AAICAw&c=Oo8bPJf7k7r_
>> cPTz1JF7vEiFxvFRfQtp-j14fFwh71U&r=Xy0eRq0fB8DDnec5KNrUljZOD-
>> KaoBIvuy2DmbFzLXBPyElhhHbOBhm6SaWy7iz4m8cTA&e= Activity Lead, W3C/WAI
>> International Program Office
>> Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
>> Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Activity Lead, W3C/WAI International Program Office
Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Received on Friday, 5 September 2014 08:49:58 UTC