SV: Illustrations work this week - all hands on deck, please

Hi Anna Belle

I still get a blank page in IE 8.0. In FF and Chrome it's OK, same PC with WIN XP


Venlig hilsen

Helle Bjarnø,

Cand. Scient. Bibl.
Faglig konsulent, 
Mobil:             +45 41 73 08 02

Kontoret for bevægelseshandicap, hjælpemidler og teknologi
Landemærket 9
1119 København K
Telefon: +45 72 42 37 00 <> 


Fra: Anna Belle Leiserson [] 
Sendt: 22. januar 2014 18:48
Til: Helle Bjarnø
Emne: Re: Illustrations work this week - all hands on deck, please


Hi, Helle.


Thanks so much for trying!  At least that's so wrong that I know it's not my code.  :-)


Would you mind trying again? Here's the URL:


Anna Belle





On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 4:58 AM, Helle Bjarnø <> wrote:

In my browser IE8.0 on WIN XP I only see a blank page!



Helle Bjarnø, M.Li.I.Sc.

Mobil:    +45 41 73 08 02 <tel:%2B45%2041%2073%2008%2002> 
E-mail: <> 

The National Board of Social Services.
Landemærket 9
DK-1119 København K
Telefon: +45 72 42 37 00 <tel:%2B45%2072%2042%2037%2000> <> 


Fra: Anna Belle Leiserson [] 
Sendt: 17. januar 2014 22:51
Til: EOWG (E-mail);;; Schantz, Paul A; Wayne Dick
Emne: Illustrations work this week - all hands on deck, please


Hi, All.


For those not on the call, we agreed we want to wrap illustrations up two weeks before CSUN.  That's March 1.  Wheee....  We need to get going!


To that end I've updated the illustrations wiki.  More on that in a moment, but first what I need you to do.


Denis, Eric, Ian, Paul, Wayne -- I need you to review the code in context.  

Here are the examples:

And here is a summary of the code:


All EO members -- I need you to do testing in various browsers and record the results in the wiki.  This probably won't take very long.  For me the most time-consuming thing is actually updating the wiki, not the testing itself.


Here is the example page to test:

(Note: ignore the form at the end; it's just the illustrations we're testing.)

Here are the 6 things to test:

And here is where you record the results:


The plan is to wrap up code review and browser testing on the call next Friday (Jan. 24).  


If you have any questions or issues, don't hesitate to email me.  I'll get back to you as soon as I can.



Anna Belle


P.S. Howard, Vikki, Jan, Helle, Eric -- thank you so much for volunteering for various browsers and devices!  It sounded like a healthy variety of systems.  (Well maybe we can pass on the Blackberry Playbook.  ;-)  Here's what I heard you volunteer for -- just as you are able:

Vicki: FF, Safari, IE

Jan: Chrome, IE, FF on Windows 7

Howard: FF, Opera or Chrome on Windows 8

Helle: IE 8 on Windows XP

Eric: A whole stack of browsers and devices, even a blackberry playbook



Received on Friday, 24 January 2014 11:08:25 UTC