Tutorial Feedback for Friday’s Meeting


thanks for all your feedback on the tutorials. We also got a response 
from the WCAG WG[1]. Most comments from both groups revolved about 
wording clarifications and need no in-depth discussion in the meeting. 
Some WCAG feedback was also already noted in the EO discussions in the 
last weeks.

However there were a few issues that I’d like to discuss with you on 
Friday. I’ve listed them on the following wiki page:


I’m looking forward to your thoughts, feel free to note them as 
comments in the wiki, too.

Best, Eric

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2014AprJun/0043.html


Eric Eggert, Web Accessibility Specialist
WAI-ACT Project

I’m yatil on IRC.

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2014 09:41:06 UTC