Re: Updating policies [was: EOWG: Prepare for 5 August teleconference]

Hello Shawn,
* Public document: Submitting Updates to Policies Relating to Web 
>> * Internal document: Planning Updates to Policies Relating to Web 
>> Accessibility
>> SD:  In the list following the paragraph requiring to send as much 
>> information as possible, fourth bullet: "Title of document in English 
>> and other language(s)".
>> This bullet should clarify if the person who is updating has to 
>> provide a title of the document in English if it is available or if 
>> he/she should translate this title into English so that more people 
>> can understand what the document is about.
>> For this bullet and the following, may be you could write: "if 
>> available".
> SLH: If there is a formal document in English, we want that. If not, 
> we would welcome the person to translate the title. I'll think if 
> there is a simple way to communicate that.
SD: I have understood  correctly. I think it would be helpful to explain 
this to the reader,b ut I don't know how to make it simple.

>> 2. I don't understand why you write after the few instructions and 
>> before "Additional Notes on Format and Content":
>> "You don't need to read any more of this page to submit updates".
>> the information below that is important  to have an update with good 
>> quality.
> SLH: For people like you who are committing time to do thorough 
> updates for a country, yes that information is important. A different 
> use case for this page is people who want to quickly give us a single 
> update, for example, when a new regulation is in place in their 
> country. We don't want to require them to read a long page of detailed 
> instructions. Does that make sense?
Yes, it does.
So if I understand correctly, it does not matter if people sending first 
updates do not format the information the way you want to have it in the 

Received on Monday, 8 August 2011 14:39:36 UTC