Re: EOWG: Substantially updated Standards Harmonization document

Hi All,

The Harmonization Survey is not open yet.  So, here are my comments.

There is a little word smithing that may or may not be worth
reporting. Most of the rest is good to go.  I suggest one real change.

"In addition to these fundamental principles, WCAG 2.0 includes  ... following:

Then follows 4 guidelines that look like they were chosen at random.
It seems less arbitrary and not so much more space to just paste in
WCAG 2.0 at a glance.  We don't have 100% agreement on final language
yet, so I would leave final word smithing to the editors taste.

Otherwise, I like the document.  Local governments may cringe at the
prospect of letting someone else do it for them, but that is what we
want them to do.  The chances that a rewrite of WCAG 2.0 will yield a
better document are tiny.  Look at how much work it took us.

At first I felt uncomfortable with Judy's bold assertions to just do
it our way, but really it makes sense.

The document does not address how to extend WCAG 2 to cover mistakes,
and this will lead to fragmentation, but we'll probably learn from
that too.


Received on Thursday, 23 June 2011 09:29:33 UTC