RE: Suggested for Biz Case slides

Here it is as plain ppt (no x) Maybe that will take care of the corruption .

Thanks Char!

At 04:12 PM 4/8/2011, Char James-Tanny wrote:
>Oh, I like that :-) Easy to understand, and right now, I can't think 
>of anything that's missing. (OTOH, my brain isn't quite all here 
>today, so I'll look at it again this weekend and compare it to some 
>old presentations I've done.)
>BTW, I got a "this file is corrupted" message when I tried to open 
>it. The Repair function (Microsoft Office 2010) solved the problem, 
>whatever it was.
>From: [] 
>On Behalf Of Sharron Rush
>Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 4:52 PM
>Subject: Suggested for Biz Case slides
>I did this in just a few minutes, but the idea is what I am trying 
>to convey rather than the graphic design itself.  I am sure someone 
>can improve it.
>In this case, there are no numbers or graphs that people will expect 
>to relate to an actual case study.  it is clear that the ideas are conceptual.
>Whether they are as persuasive, well that's the question now, I guess.
>Sharron Rush |  Executive 
>Director  |  <> |  512 305-0310
>Equal access to technology for people with disabilities

Received on Friday, 8 April 2011 21:19:04 UTC