Fwd: Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) draft comments

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From: Ian Pouncey <ian@ipouncey.co.uk>
Date: Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 1:22 PM
Subject: Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) draft comments
To: public-pfwg-comments@w3.org

EOWG discussed http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-wai-aria-20100916/complete
in our Oct 22nd conference call
(http://www.w3.org/2010/10/22-eo-minutes.html), here are our comments.

# Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0

## WAI-ARIA abbreviation

We felt that in places marking up WAI-ARIA as an abbreviation in every
instance was causing a great deal of visual clutter, the last
paragraph of 1.1 is a good example of this where the term is used 7

   * Use abbr element for each occurrence, but only use title
attribute for the first in each section
   * Do not use title attribute if name is already expanded in text

follow this principle for other abrreviations and acronyms.

## Link to "WAI-ARIA Overview"

In 1. Introduction, please change from
http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/aria/ to http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/aria

## Make 'role' definition more understandable in isolation

We felt that the definition of 'role' at
http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-wai-aria-20100916/terms#def_role, which
is linked to from 1. Introduction, is not clear enough to be of use at
this point in the document. If the reader needs to refer to the
definition of role it is unlike that the current definition would help

## 'non-disabled user' reference

In 1.1. Rich Internet Application Accessibility, paragraph 3, there is
the following text: 'To a non-disabled user, it may look and act like
a collapsible tree widget...'. We feel that this is not appropriate as
it suggests that all disabled people are visually impaired who require
WAI-ARIA to deal with widgets that have their used described visually.
We would prefer the following to replace this sentence: 'To a person
using a visual browser it may look and act like a collapsible tree
widget, but without appropriate semantics, the tree widget may not be
perceivable to or operable by a person using a screen reader or other
assistive technology that does not recognize the role.'

## Longer description required for figures

Figures such as Figure 1 in 1.1. Rich Internet Application
Accessibility are introduced with explanatory text in the preceding
paragraph, but this text does not fully describe the image, for
example it lacks the list of the Accessibility APIs which is contained
in the image. This content needs to be available in text form within
this document.

## h1 vs div

In 1.4. Co-Evolution of WAI-ARIA and Host Languages, paragraph 2 there
is the sentence 'For example, it's better to use an h1 element in HTML
than to use the heading role on a div element.'. We would like this to
be more strongly worded in favour of using the semantic h1. The
document as a whole makes it clear that WAI-ARIA is not a replacement
for semantic markup, but we felt this was a bit ambiguous.

## Assistive technologies examples

For 4. Important Terms we would like to give further input on the AT
section based on documents EOWG is currently writing. Additionally we
would like a link to 'How people with disabilities use the web' which
is currenlty being updated by EOWG:

## Host Language Semantics

We felt that the last two sentences of 7.5. Conflicts with Host
Language Semantics made this section less clear, is this level of
detail required in this document?

## Document focus

some EO participants the scope of this should be focused on what
developers want, and the User Agent comments in the User Agent guide.
While well written it is a very large and information dense document,
and we feel that this separation would make it more usable for the
target audience.

## Style consistency

Consider using styles from WAI WCAG 2

## Link styles

Visited definition links are black making it hard to distinguish these
links after they have been followed.


Important notes:

   * Many in EOWG did not have the chance to review this draft.
Please let us know when there is an updated Editors' Draft that we can
review before Last Call.

   * Most of the issues above were discussed in one EOWG
teleconference, and a few added as these were being typed up. They do
not necessarily represent consensus among all of EOWG.

Received on Friday, 12 November 2010 14:26:20 UTC