RE: For Review: Accessibility page for

I would favor 1a.

Jack . 
Jack R. Welsh, Ph.D., CPT 
Boeing LTD Manufacturing & Quality
P.O. Box 3999 M/S 6R1-9H 
Seattle, WA 98124 
(206) 679-7453

-----Original Message-----
From: Liam McGee [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:58 AM
To: Shawn Henry
Subject: Re: For Review: Accessibility page for

Shawn Henry wrote:
> *EOWG active participants*, please comment on:
> a. When websites and web tools are not accessible, they disable
> b. When websites and web tools are not accessible, they disable people

> from using them.
> c. When websites and web tools are not accessible, they cause
> d. When websites and web tools are not accessible, they cause 
> disability for people.

For me, it has to be +1 for a.
can I put a -1 on c. and d.?

>> # Intro Listing - I know it comes from the template for these pages, 
>> but having the list titled "Learn more below" and then a list item of

>> "learn more" strikes me as odd. Could we title the list "Find out 
>> more below"?
> I'm going to try taking it off all together and see how that works. 
> EOWG, check out the latest draft and let me know if you think 
> something is needed to introduce that list of in-page links.

Better without.

> EOWG, please comment on options:
> - link acronym only, as in
> 21a#learn
> - link full name and acronym, as in
> 18a#learn

Full name and acronym

Liam McGee
Managing Director
Communis Ltd

t: +44 (0)1373 836 476

Received on Tuesday, 25 August 2009 15:09:22 UTC