Re: stab at betaw3

Thanks, much, Liam! Good to get different ideas on wording. I'll send another e-mail later including this with some other drafts from the last 2 days.

One note for now: Remember that this page is part of the W3C site redesign. WAI is developing the main content for this page. The overall wrapper, length, type of content, etc. is defined as part of the larger W3C site redesign. To see what's set in the template, see (except we can change the internal <h2>s). As I mentioned in the teleconference, instructions for commenting on template and W3C level stuff are at )

(fyi, the internal name for these pages are "bucket" pages. note that while WAI and Internationalization have a lot of good content to point to, many of the others will not. Thus a design that works well for WAI won't necessarily work well for most others.) ... OK, as I'd rather EOWG not get in the middle of that discussion, I'll stop now and leave it to you (&/or William) to comment and submit your draft (which is now also online at )

Thanks again,

Liam McGee wrote:
> Hi all... here's my attempt.
> Apologies for any display gremlins - in particular the smaller font size 
> is a smidge smaller than I wanted it.
> Regards to you all
> Liam

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2009 20:44:37 UTC