Re: WAI Resources clarification [Re: Linking to WAI Guidelines & WAI Resources


For those who were not on the call today, here is a summary of the conclusion on the WAI Resources page issue:
* Shawn remembered that the reason we did this page with the 2006 redesign was because in the old site design there was a WAI Resources page. We wanted to have something similar at the URI for persistence, in case others had linked to it.
* This page is not highly useful or usable as is, therefore we do not want to increase visibility to it. It is not a high priority to redesign this page at this time.

Issue closed for now...


Shawn Henry wrote:
>> If you have any thoughts on how we can fairly easily improve the 
>> usability and visibility of the WAI Resources page 
>> <>, please send those in 
>> e-mail or prepare to discuss them at this week's teleconference. Note 
>> that we will not do major changes to the information architecture yet.
> Here is some more information to help focus the discussion.
> The WAI Resources page mirrors the site navigation, which was defined in 
> the information architecture (IA) stage of the site redesign project 
> back in 2005[1].
> On the WAI home page, in the blue navigation area (which is <h2>Site 
> Navigation), are the main categories: Introducing Accessibility, 
> Guidelines & Techniques, Managing Accessibility, Evaluating 
> Accessibility, WAI Groups, About WAI. Each of those links to what we 
> internally called "annotated navigation pages".
> The information from these pages is included in the WAI Resources page, 
> with the main categories from the navigation matching the <h2>s. 
> Mirroring the navigation in the WAI Resources page is intended to help 
> users find information more easily later through the navigation. 
> Therefore, we probably would significantly edit this page until we 
> redesign the site.
> We do plan to redesign the site; however, that is not a high priority at 
> this time.
> Note that we have thought of adding a page at 
> that would offer another "door" to the 
> resources that we provide -- perhaps organized by roles (e.g., advanced 
> web developer, policy maker, user with a disability, etc.)  If you are 
> interested in volunteering to edit that, please let me know off-list.
> Hope that all helps.
> ~Shawn
> [1]

Received on Friday, 27 February 2009 23:19:42 UTC