Approach to MWBP and WCAG Together

This is about the page that is supposed to tell people what to do when 
they are starting a new project and want to do both WCAG and MWBP 
together [1]. It is the elephant in the room as we move towards the next 
public working draft.

I have been trying to figure out how to approach this in a useful way to 
approach this and can't see through it. However, working from the 
premise that the first thing people will need to do is decide the WCAG 
level (1, 2 or 3), it might work if we tell people to base their plan on 
WCAG and then use the wcag-to-mwbp page [2] to build on that.

This means that the "together" page would be reduced simply to advice on:

1. Choose you WCAG version and level.
2. Use the appropriate WCAG-to-MWBP page to add mobile requirements.

Which doesn't hand it to people on a plate, but tells them how to do it 
for themselves.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.




Alan Chuter

Received on Monday, 23 June 2008 14:24:58 UTC