Still need implementations for WCAG 2.0


See below...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Web functionality demonstrations needed
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2008 11:08:23 -0500
From: Shawn Henry <>
To: WAI Interest Group <>

WAI Interest Group Participants,

Thank you to those who offered to share your experiences using WCAG 2.0 "Candidate Recommendation" in your Web project. For background, see:
- "Interested in 'test driving' WCAG 2.0 Candidate Recommendation..." email archived at

Those who offered to share implementation experiences have covered many of the requirements for demonstrating WCAG 2.0. However, there are some specific success criteria for which we still need demonstrations/implementations. These are listed below.

If you would be interested in providing demonstrations of some of the functionality list below, please:
- read WCAG 2.0 Candidate Recommendation Implementation Information
- complete the WCAG 2.0 CR Implementation Information Form
- or e-mail
*by Tuesday 10 June* if possible. (We don't need the actual implementations until the end of June or later.)

In the "General comments or questions about this implementation" text box at the end of the WCAG 2.0 CR Implementation Information Form, please list which success criteria you will cover in your demonstration(s).

For more information on each success criteria, see:
- How to Meet WCAG 2.0: A customizable quick reference...

We still need demonstrations of the following success criteria:

1.2.1 (Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded))
- needed: examples of audio-only and video-only (we have implementations for audio-video together)

1.2.4 (Captions (Live))
1.2.9 (Live Audio-only)
 - needed: implementations that contain live time-base media

1.3.3 (Size, Shape, Location)
- needed: implementations that refer to controls by these properties, but not exclusively

1.4.2 (Audio Turnoff)
1.4.7 (Low or No Background Audio)
 - needed: sites with audio content - some that plays automatically, and some that contains speech

2.2.1 [Timing Adjustable]
 - needed: content that contains time limits

2.2.2 [Pause, Stop, Hide]
- needed: content that contains moving, blinking, or auto-updating content

2.2.4 (Interruptions)
- needed: content that generates interruptions

2.2.5 (Re-authenticating)
- needed: implementations where sessions expire and users are able to re-authenticate without loss of data

3.3.3 [Error Suggestion]
 - needed: implementations that suggest corrections.

3.3.4 [Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)]
- needed: implementations that cause legal commitments or financial transactions, that modify or delete user-controllable data, or that submit user test responses

3.3.5 [Help]
- needed: implementations that provide context-sensitive help

3.3.6 [Error Prevention (All)]
- needed: web pages that submit information

We may need demonstrations of the following success criteria, if they are not included in the implementations that have already been submitted:

1.4.1 [Use of Color]
- needed: content that uses color to convey information

3.1.3 [Unusual Words]
- needed: implementations that provides definitions of works used in unusual ways

3.1.4 [Abbreviations]
 - needed: implementations that provides the meaning of abbreviations

3.1.5 [Reading Level]
 - needed: implementations that uses text below lower secondary education level or that provides supplementary content.

3.1.6 [Pronunciation]
 - needed: implementations that provide pronunciation information

3.2.4 [Consistent Identification]
 - needed: implementations that contain components that provide the same functionality on different web pages

Feel free to forward this message or circulate it to other lists; please avoid cross-postings where possible.

Thank you in advance for help demonstrating WCAG 2.0.

~Shawn Lawton Henry
On behalf of:
Loretta Guarino Reid, Co-chair of WCAG WG, and Computer Scientist, Google Inc.
Gregg Vanderheiden, Co-chair of WCAG WG, and Director of Trace R&D Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Michael Cooper, W3C Team Contact for WCAG WG 

Shawn Lawton Henry, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
phone: +1-617-395-7664

Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 21:12:58 UTC