Benefits of WCAG 2.0 material


In our Analysis for the Transitioning from WCAG 1.0 to 2.0 Resource Suite <>, we identified a possible document on the Benefits of Transitioning to WCAG 2.0. Helle took an action item to draft this (which she did quite a while ago and I just now excavated from my e-mail).

Helle says: "
I have made an extract of the PowerPoint presentation with the slides that talks about the changes from WCAG 1.00 to WCAG 2.00 and the benefits or new possibilities one gets from using WCAG 2.00. I have made my selection with focus on what I thing would be suitable and useful in a Danish context. Or in other words how can I make “them” use WCAG 2.00?
I have not changed any of the text yet. There might be a need for some minor alterations since some of the slides have been taken out of their original sequence. I have not changed the order but removed some slides that are related to the [ones] I've kept.

Helle's extracted slides are at

The full "About WCAG 2.0" presentation, that these slides come from, is available from

Note that the WCAG 2 FAQ now answers the question "What are the benefits of using WCAG 2.0?" at

A few questions:
1. What are the advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of creating a presentation like this to cover the benefits?
2. Do you think we should develop this presentation on the benefits?
3. Do you think we should do something else, other than the FAQ, to communicate the benefits?
4. Other ideas?

*Please respond via e-mail to the list*.

Helle Bjarnø
& Shawn

Shawn Lawton Henry, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
phone: +1-617-395-7664

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 20:09:42 UTC