WAI-ARIA FAQ - Re: EOWG: Agenda for 30 November 2007 Teleconference

Few comments...

*My general FAQ philosophy*
When I read a FAQ, I expect that in the first sentence or two of the answer  I'll get the answer to the question.  Because people scan so much when they read online, I wouldn't expect that people would read much more than a sentence or two anyhow.

So when i read questions like... 2. What is WAI-ARIA intended to do? 
In the answer i'd be looking for it to say... WAI-ARIA is intended to [fill in the blank].

*3. Is WAI-ARIA available and supported now?*

What does this (the first paragraph) have to do with wether WAI-ARIA is available or supported now?

"ARIA is being developed under the W3C Process, more thoroughly discussed elsewhere. The process is ongoing and is intended to reflect the diverse needs of a broad community, including industry, disability organizations, accessibility researchers, government, and others interested in Web accessibility."

Are we really asking what is the status of WAI-ARIA?  Maybe this question would help from being multiple questions.

Justin Thorp
US Library of Congress
Web Services - Office of Strategic Initiatives
e - juth@loc.gov
p - 202/707-9541

>>> Shawn Henry <shawn@w3.org> 11/28/2007 6:57 PM >>>
* http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/ARIA/faq.html 
An updated version and specific questions for EOWG will be available before the teleconference.

Received on Thursday, 29 November 2007 18:55:07 UTC