bi-directional feedback; in-reach to HTML WG


i have been attempting to perform in-reach for the HTML WG (of which i 
am a member) to make others more cognizant of the internal resources the 
W3C has to offer in the realm of accessibility...  i have been referring 
HTML WG members to a lot of EO materials, and i have found some broken 
and changed URIs in some of EO's work which i have prominently cited -- 
especially the "alternative web browsing document", in which i found the 
following broken links:

EO page being referenced:

1) BrailleSurf info lacks lang="fr" hreflang="fr" (for the string of 
   french text part of which is a link) and lang="es" (for the spanish 

2) BrookesTalk link is now: 

3) AtGentive (from Brookes) direct link now:

4) EIAD link broken: everey permutation of the link, including its base 

   yields nothing but a 404 Not Found error

5) MarcoPolo link leads to a web-hosting advertising page

6) the WebSound link now leads to a GNOME project page dedicated to MRML 
   (Multimedia Retrieval Markup Language)

i would also appreciate EO feedback on some of the HTML wiki pages i set 
up and attempt to maintain:
    there is a section dedicated to 3rd party assistive technology, as 
    well as specialized browsers (self-voicing, voice input, etc.)

thank you for your attention to these matters -- this is an unparallelled 
opportunity for in-reach as well as out-reach, and i want to assist EO in
whatever way possible to facillitate wider dissemination of WAI documents

Men are not against you; they are merely for themselves. 
                              -- Gene Fowler (1890-1960)
Gregory J. Rosmaita:
Camera Obscura:

Received on Thursday, 27 September 2007 17:51:56 UTC