Re: EOWG: Readings for 21 September teleconference

Hi all --

My regrets for the beginning of the meeting as I'll be in an 
overlapping meeting. Shawn will be chairing.

Some initial thoughts on the WAI-ARIA readings for our EOWG meeting 
tomorrow: I'm impressed by the amount of the content in the WAI-ARIA 
(see reading list below, and also see 
but I'm wondering what would make it more approachable; maybe fewer 
questions, or more question-nesting or higher-level question 
categories? Right now it seems like a long list of technical and 
general questions all mixed in together.

Looking forward to discussion on this,

- Judy

At 08:36 PM 9/19/2007, Shawn Henry wrote:

>EOWG Participants,
>At the 21 Sept EOWG teleconference, we will discuss suggestions for 
>the next revision of the WCAG 2.0 Quick Reference. Please review it 
>and think about how different people will want to use it in 
>different situations.
>As we discussed at last week's teleconference, EOWG has an 
>opportunity to look at WAI-ARIA documents from an education and 
>outreach perspective and provide suggestions prior to the next 
>release of Public Working Drafts. Please read the following in 
>preparation for this week's teleconference:
>1. Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) Suite Overview
>2. At least the Introduction sections of the previous Working Drafts:
>- WAI-ARIA Roadmap
>- WAI-ARIA Roles
>- WAI-ARIA States and Properties
>3. ARIA Best Practices Guide (BPG) draft framework
>- Index page
>- Introduction
>4. FAQ on ARIA Relationship to HTML
>We'll send an agenda tomorrow.
>~Shawn & Judy

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2007 21:48:00 UTC