Re: Questions on "WCAG 2.0 presentation" approach

Hi Sylvie,

Thanks for the questions ahead of time. Here are preliminary answers. We can discuss more on the teleconference if you or anyone would like.

I thought PowerPoint would open the Open Office format (.odp), but I'll need to check up on that. I think providing it in an open source format is better than using a specific vendor's format.

My personal experience is that most people use PowerPoint for presentations. I know some people use PDF and some use HTML -- and the HTML users are advanced Web folks. Perhaps other people have broader data or different data?

Examples of HTML slide applications are S5 <> and HTML Slidy <>

We looked at using HTML slide interfaces for self study tutorials previously and determined that they are not good interface for tutorials.

We are planning to *also* provide a straight HTML file: "File Format: ... and a simple HTML with embedded CSS version... Advanced presenters will know how to get what they want from one of those 2 formats". The 2 formats being 1. a presentation format, 2. an HTML file.

Talk to you in a few hours.


Sylvie duchateau wrote:
> hello Shawn and all,
> At:
> First bullet says :
> "File Format: Provide in Open Office .odp version (since most people 
> will use PowerPoint), and a simple HTML with embedded CSS version. Do 
> not try to incorporate
> it into Slidey or other HTML presentation format, because these may not 
> be good tools for the average presenter or self-study user, and thus not 
> worth
> the effort."
> I don't understand why providing open office format will benefit for 
> most users who use Powerpoint.
> I don't understand the second part of the paragraph that says that HTML 
> presentations would not be a good tool for novice presenters. Or what do 
> you mean with "slidey or other HTML presentation formats"?
> I also don't understand why advanced users would all be able to use 
> powerpoint or open office presentations?
> Best
> Sylvie

Received on Friday, 27 July 2007 02:05:02 UTC