Re: wcag 2 messaging - Re: EOWG: Agenda for 20 July 2007 Teleconference

Justin Thorp wrote:
> Just a thought, i realize one i've expressed before... in addition (or maybe instead of) doing an update to the FAQ and creating a presentation, what if WAI did a blog that addressed these issues?  
> We all could contribute.  Blog posts aren't our usual multi-page articles.  They're quick, accurate, personal, and conversational.
> The presentations and faq talk at people.  We want to talk with people.  It would be more inducive to getting conversations started and getting online communities excited.  It creates good buzz.
> Or... maybe more of us from EO could start blogs and use those avenues as away to get the word out and the conversation started.  We could use these topics we want to add to the presentation and the faq as fodder for our blog entries.
> just my 2 cents.

Brilliant idea, Justin. This has been discussed before but had kinda 
stalled. As an aside I don't rarely post anything about what I do with 
WAI as I'm never sure what I may say and what I may not.

Some explicit rules and a process to follow should we get it wrong 
(Retract? Clarify? Delete?) may be an interesting place to start.

Received on Thursday, 19 July 2007 13:07:20 UTC