Comment on AT definition - Re: Revised Assistive Technology and Accessibility Supported

Wayne, I really like the definition of Assistive Technology.

I have one suggestion.  In the first sentence can we take away the word "media" from "media format."

Go from - "a user agent that translates web content into a media format that is perceivable..."
to - "a user agent that translates web content into a format that is perceivable..."

I think of media format like file format. So it'd be like translating a .mp3 file to a .aac file.   I doubt this is what you intended.  Granted I don't really know anything about how assistive technologies work so please correct me if i'm wrong.

- justin

Justin Thorp
US Library of Congress
Web Services - Office of Strategic Initiatives
e -
p - 202/707-9541

>>> "Wayne Dick" <> 6/23/2007 3:20:09 AM >>>

Hi Everyone,
I have included links to two pages. 
 The first is my revised AT Definition 
based on the comments from today: 

The second link 

points to my rewrite of the 
Accessibility Support Section. It is 
still not easy reading.  That is 
impossible because the concept is not 
an easy.  I think I have improved the 
logic sequence and toned the language 
down to the lowest possible technical 

The criteria for building your own 
list of accessibility supported 
technologies is just nasty any way you 
do it.  So I point out that if you 
want to build your own list you'd 
better be smart enough to read the 
rules.  I also try to separate the 
disjoint cases more identifiably.  I 
think it is clearer, but not simple.

I really think if you can't read this 
presentation you probably shouldn't 
try to build your own list.  Just wait 
on an expert who can.


Wayne Dick PhD
Chair Computer Engineering and 
Computer Science, CSU, Long Beach
Coordinator of Academic Technology 
Accessibility, CSU System

Received on Monday, 25 June 2007 15:05:07 UTC