FW: [DRAFT] EOWG comments on WCAG 2.0 documents

>From Wayne Dick

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Dick [mailto:wed@csulb.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, 16 May 2006 3:32 AM
To: Andrew Arch
Subject: Re: [DRAFT] EOWG comments on WCAG 2.0 documents

I think we should send the comments
on.  They are all good.  In 3.4 found
a little typo.

3.4 ...
explain that it is intended that you
can save [t]he document and add
comments to the fourth column as a

Again in 3.4: The proposal "
Alternatively, provide a simpler table
and also a downloadable (RTF) document
for evaluation reporting and
annotation purposes" might be

I don't know if the table complexity
is the issue.  My wish (and it may be
a pipe dream) is to make the checklist
form truly interactive.  The "True"
column might be a "Status" column with
a (satisfied/ not satisfied) radio
button.  The comments column could be
text areas for comment entry. Finally
the downloaded document might be the
filled out form in an RTF format.
 Given the issue of mission dilation,
this may be impossible, but it might
be popular.

Committed WCAG 2.0 developers will
need all they can to ease the work


Wayne Dick PhD
Chair Computer Engineering and
Computer Science
Director WebAdapt2Me Project at CSULB

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Received on Monday, 15 May 2006 22:09:17 UTC