Support-EAM meeting in Paris

The meeting was hosted by Braillenet, in Paris. It was a technical  
meeting, although on the first day we discussed management issues briefly.

Most work on the project ends this month, although it has officially been  
extended until July. There will be a practical demonstation at ICCHP in  
July, using an online tool being developed by Johanna Bolton at Dublin  
City University. Three members are working on an evaluation of the  
websites of different European prime ministers, using the UWEM  
methodology, to evaluate it.

The other two and half days of the meeting was dedicated to working on  
tests for WCAG 1.0 priority 2 checkpoints.

All public deliverables for the project are available (or will be very  
soon) at:

That's about it.

best regards,

Alan Chuter
Accessibility Consultant,
Technosite (formerly Fundosa Teleservicios),
Madrid, Spain.

On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 11:56:09 +0200, Helle Bjarnø <> wrote:

> For today's agenda: Can anyone give a short summary from the Support-EAM  
> meeting just after Easter as I believe it was one of the last meetings.
> Sincerely
> Helle Bjarnø
> Visual Impairment Knowledge Centre
> Rymarksvej 1, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark
> Phone: +45 39 46 01 01
> fax: +45 39 61 94 14
> e-mail
> Direct phone: +45 39 46 01 04
> Mobile: +45 20 43 43 47
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On  
> Behalf Of Shawn Henry
> Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:12 PM
> To: EOWG (E-mail)
> Subject: EOWG: Agenda for 28 April 2006 Teleconference
> Importance: High
> Dear EOWG Participants:
> An agenda and calling logistics for our 28 April 2006 teleconference  
> follow.
> Time:     8:30am - 10:30am U.S. Eastern Time. For other time zones see:
> Bridge:  +1.617.761.6200, code: EOWG# (3694#)
> IRC:     Channel: #eo, server:, port: 6665
> Scribe:  Listed at
> Agenda:
> 1. Planning EOWG review of WCAG 2.0 documents
> Last week we briefly introduced this topic. Draft minutes are available  
> at:
> We will finalize the planning and talk more about:
> - Orientation to WCAG 2.0 documents for review
> - Focusing review on EOWG perspective, specific questions
> - Forming small groups to focus on specific areas and questions
> 2. Myth that meeting accessibility guidelines doesn't result in  
> accessible Web site
> Discussion questions:
> - What is being said around this issue (e.g., at CSUN conference)
> - Perspectives on the issue, e.g., is there any truth to it? what is  
> behind it? etc.
> - Our positions on the issue
> - Approaches for addressing the issue
> Start of "requirements" for a document addressing this issue:
> Regards,
> ~ Shawn & Judy
> ===
> IRC reminders and tips:
> - IRC is supplemental to the call. Some participants do not have IRC.  
> All substantive comments should be said verbally in the call (not just  
> in IRC).
> - to type a side comment that will _not_ get recorded in the minutes,  
> type /me comment - e.g.:
> /me hopes everyone had pleasant holidays
> will come out:
> *shawn hopes everyone had pleasant holidays
> Teleconference information:
> - Managing IRC for EOWG meeting minutes:  
> - W3C Zakim Teleconference Bridge:
> - Zakim IRC Bot:
> - A source for help with IRC (Internet Relay Chat):  
> * Upcoming EOWG teleconference schedule:  
> ###

Received on Friday, 28 April 2006 10:26:43 UTC