Fwd: WAI search for review this week

>Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 21:25:14 -0500
>From: Shawn Henry <shawn@w3.org>
>User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)
>Subject: WAI search for review this week

Rejoice greatly, search on.

>As part of the WAI site redesign, we plan to provide WAI-specific search.
>Please review the following documentation on the proposed WAI-specific search:
>1. [DRAFT] WAI Search Specifications: 
>2. [DRAFT] Help with WAI Search: http://www.w3.org/WAI/search-help
>3. [DRAFT] WAI Search Results page mockup: 
>Focus your review and comments on:
>1. General questions:

All WAI documents need to be reviewed for appropriate &lt;meta 
name="keywords" content="..."&gt';

>a. Do the options cover the user requirements?

I believe so, though some "member only" mailing lists would be excluded.

>b. What are the pros, cons, and priority of providing Advanced Search?

Pros: allows more selective search, by operator combinations,
Cons: that google writeup has much irrelevance,
and doesn't seem to suggest +"..." as required content;
-"..." as excluded content

>2. Terminology: any issues with the wording below, or reasons to use 
>different wording ?
>a. labels in results page * for search options:
>- WAI Guidelines & Documents
>- WAI Mailing Lists
>* for links:
>- Search All W3C Web Pages
>- Search All W3C Mailing Lists
>- Help with WAI Search

That Help should include search features, such as the +"...." and -"...".

>b. button & field labels in nav on all pages & in results page * button 
>label: Go, Search, Search WAI, ...?

Interesting -- good to include archives.

>* field label: Search:, Search for:, ...?
>* note: W3C home page uses label: "Search W3C", button: "Go", and link 
>"Search W3C Mailing Lists"
How would "off-site" content show up:  particularly the tools, when there 
may not be uniform
naming on tool capabilities.

>Please send comments to the EOWG list, by Thursday 9 June if possible.
>~ Shawn & Justin

Best Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Thursday, 9 June 2005 04:24:05 UTC