First Beginners Lexicon results

Hi all,

Here are the first 'Beginners Lexicon' results.
People were asked to choose 10 words or phrases starting with an A from a given list, that they considered necessary as entries for the Beginners Lexicon in accordance with the requirements document for this lexicon.
Six people made the ten selections of entries. The choices were analyzed and the ten most chosen words are the proposed candidates for the lexicon.
The next phase is getting a proper description also in accordance with the requirements document in clear and plain language.
The descriptions can either be literally taken from existing glossaries, or, if necessary in altered words. All is still subject of discussion!

Attached you will find two documents: 
Totallex.doc: a document with the entry selection of the ten entries starting with an A and some of the motivations.  
Lexdescriptions.doc: a document with the description of the ten entries, from several sources, based on the contribution of only two people of the Lexicon group. The contribution of the other members is still welcome and needed!

-	What about the way of working, is this leading us somewhere?
-	What about the descriptions, should we take existing descriptions or compose each description from scratch?



H. Snetselaar
Bartimeus Educational Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted &
Foundation Bartiméus Accessibility
Utrechtseweg 84, 3702 AD  Zeist, the Netherlands
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Received on Friday, 29 October 2004 08:23:27 UTC