- From: <Andrew.Arch@visionaustralia.org.au>
- Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 13:47:02 +1000
- To: jbrewer@w3.org
- Cc: EOWG <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>
Hello Judy/All, I have sent a few copy-edit suggestions to EO-Editors, but include some suggestions for new material and restructure here: 1. Organisations: Suggest an additional para (to become para 2) talking about minimum levels of accessibility aimed for by multi-region/multi-jurisdiction organisations because they face different and/or conflicting standards, rather than aiming for a higher level of accessibility that would be practical if they only faced one standard. 2. Browsers etc 2.1 Suggest an additional paragraph along the lines of: "adopting structural markup and W3C (technical) standards will drive/encourage assistive technology developers to reveal more semantic information to users of these technologies" - currently this section has Assistive Technology in the heading, but not in the text. 2.2 Can we expand the "Browsers etc" section to include Evaluation Tools? If so, then I suggest moving the first para and the three dot points for "Fragmentation" to the end of the "Browsers etc" section. 3. Fragmentation 3.1 If we adopted my suggestion 2.2 (above), then the remaining material is really about myths - suggest a changed heading to "Myths Regarding Harmonisation" 3.2 Suggestion for the last para that starts "For organizations that have already developed ..." along the lines of: Governments and organisations that have already developed their own accessibility guidelines should: # consider becoming involved in one of the WAI working groups to ensure that their needs are heard within W3C # monitor the development of future versions of the W3C accessibility guidelines and actively comment on the public drafts # redirect their localisation energies into ensuring adoption of international standards by authoring and evaluation tool developers ( and getting local translations of these tools?), and website developers and publishers # look to becoming involved in W3C's authorised translation program # develop a process for updating local policies and standards to harmonise with the next releases of the W3C international accessibility guidelines 4. Action Steps 4.1 Paragraph one talks about WCAG 2.0 - what about mentioning ATAG 2.0? 4.2 Suggest an extra dot point along the lines of "more demand on user agents (and assistive technologies?) to reveal and provide access to the semantic and accessibility aspects of web pages" 4.3 What about a dot point about translations? Regards, Andrew _________________________________ Dr Andrew Arch Manager Online Accessibility Consulting National Information & Library Service, Australia Ph 613 9864 9222; Fax 613 9864 9210; Mobile 0438 755 565 http://www.nils.org.au/ | http://www.it-test.com.au/ | http://www.ozewai.org/ Member, Education & Outreach Working Group, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/ NILS - A Joint Venture between the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, The Royal Blind Society of NSW, and Vision Australia Foundation.
Received on Thursday, 6 May 2004 23:50:22 UTC