RE: Updated draft of standards harmonization document

Thank you Chuck, that's better.




Helle Bjarnø

Visual Impairment Knowledge Centre

Rymarksvej 1, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark

Phone: +45 39 46 01 01

fax: +45 39 61 94 14

e-mail  <>

Direct phone: +45 39 46 01 04 


-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Letourneau [] 
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 3:43 PM
Subject: RE: Updated draft of standards harmonization document


Following up on Helle's comment:

Overview, Paragraph. 4: to reduce redundancy and clarify the sentence... my
suggestion is:

Standards harmonization helps drive improvement of tools to evaluate
accessibility: better evaluation tools can speed the repair of Web sites.


At 2003-12-19 07:19, Helle Bjarnø wrote:

Comment to section 4 in the Overview chapter:

"Standards harmonization likewise helps drive improvement of tools to
evaluate Web site accessibility, which helps improve the accessibility of
Web sites. It enables sharing of implementation and training resources for
Web accessibility. It enables the development of shareable knowledge
repositories from which one can develop accessible and re-usable online
learning modules."

I'm not sure I understand the meaning of this, maybe it's just the word
"likewise". I'm not comfortable with the first sentence and not quite sure I
understand it. Let's talk about it on the call.

Helle Bjarnø
Visual Impairment Knowledge Centre
Rymarksvej 1, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark
Phone: +45 39 46 01 01
fax: +45 39 61 94 14
Direct phone: +45 39 46 01 04 <> <>  

-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Brewer [ <> ] 
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 9:54 AM
Subject: Updated draft of standards harmonization document


Please take a look at the updated draft of "Why Standards Harmonization is 
Essential to Web Accessibility."

I cut the overall length by 25%; re-shuffled the order; eliminated and/or 
re-integrated some sections; and tried to shorten most of the long 
sentences. I didn't work straight from the change log but will go back over 
it later.

There are still some redundancies that I was not able to shake out of the 
document yet.... perhaps we can give points in the EOWG teleconference 
today for every redundancy that anyone can find...

Talk to you soon,

- Judy

Judy Brewer    +1.617.258.9741
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), World Wide Web Consortium
MIT/CSAIL Room NE43-355, 200 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

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