Re: Web site documents for review for 12 December 2003 Teleconference

At 12:52 PM 12/11/2003 -0600, Shawn Lawton Henry wrote:

>a. Overview of User Centered Design Process (UCD)
>         -
>         - review if you want a brief description of the process that the
>                 WAI Site Task Force (WSTF) is using in redesign

Nice work, simplify repetitive references to Rubin   .... Rubin ibid.

>b. WAI Site Vision Statement
>         -
>         - please review the entire document (which is just one short
    * is welcoming, encourages visitors to use the site; draws people in - 
into the site, into WAI process, into Web accessibility
too much "into"  another bullet list level instead.

>c. User Roles List
>         -
>         - please review the User Group List at the top
>         - {feel free to also review the User Group Matrix, the second

"Managers and assistants to managers" -- Managers and their staff

A group that isn't clearly covered is those who trust their software 
(Microsoft Word for example)
to make their html web pages. Possibly an amateur, say working for a 
non-profit organization,
who has only secondarily the task of making a web-page. Good luck. Need to 
point to
where help is available.

Suggest put the table coding before the table to which it applies.

>d. User Personas
>         - please at least skim the personas to see if you think an
>important one is missing

... information will be used XtoX as part of ...

Politics aside, Dean has an effective and important popular use of his 

where most accessibility issues have been addressed. I'm not prepared to 
write about
politicians, though this is an important example. It is a bit format-heavy 
-- as noted by WAVE 3.0.

[By the way, the write-up of WAVE is quite dated in the resources page.].

>e. Task List
>         - please review the Task List at the top
>         - {feel free to also review the Task-User Matrix, the second

Suggest some grouping of the task list, and link to user matrix row that 
explains it.

>f. WAI Site Contents List
>         -
>         - please think of pages you have trouble finding on the WAI
>                 and then check that they are in the list

Nice way to show the site with its top-level links. Is its generation from 
a public tool?

>Looking forward to your feedback!
>~ Shawn
>Shawn Lawton Henry
>W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
>phone: +1.617.253.8788

Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Thursday, 11 December 2003 22:42:42 UTC