- From: Alan Chuter <achuter@teleservicios.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 19:22:38 +0200
- To: "EOWG" <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>, "Judy Brewer" <jbrewer@w3.org>
I mean I'm commenting on it and rephrasing it, not rewriting it, of course. Alan ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Chuter" <achuter@teleservicios.com> To: "EOWG" <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>; "Judy Brewer" <jbrewer@w3.org> Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003 7:10 PM Subject: Standards harmonization > > I've been reading and trying to rewrite this document > http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/standard-harmon.html > > It occurs to me that what we actually want is one unified standard, right? > Not a series of seperate but harmonized standards. I suggest that it might > be better to talk of unification rather than harmonisation. I don't think it > comes across in the document. I realise that we don't want to brazenly claim > that WCAG is the one and only true standard, but perhaps we can say > unification and still be diplomatic. I'm also wondering about using > "divergence" instead of "fragmentation." > > My work so far is at: > http://www.infoescena.es/achuter/acceso/drafts/standard-harmon_akc.html > > I've dived into it where inspiration hit me, at the end of the introduction, > but the changes are clearly marked with <ins> and <del>. > > I think it could be more readable if we assume that after a couple of > paragraphs the context is clear, and find a way to substitute phrases like > "standards harmonization" and "web accessibility" with something shorter > (like "it" or "this"). > > regards to all, > > Alan Chuter > Fundosa Teleservicios, S.A. > achuter@teleservicios.com >
Received on Sunday, 12 October 2003 13:19:26 UTC