RE: defining Web accessibility

Another possibility to mull over (condensing of Judy's and Sarah's

What is Web Accessibility?
An accessible Web can be used by people with disabilities. Web accessibility

-- Creating content that can be perceived, operated, navigated, and
understood by people with disabilities.

-- Making browsers, multimedia players, and other software used to access
Web sites more usable by people with disabilities.

-- Developing software for producing Web sites that can be used by people
with disabilities and that support the creation of accessible Web sites.

Web accessibility also:
-- Benefits other users of the Web.
-- Is a requirement for some Web sites and Web applications in certain


1. The title of the presentation - Overview of the Web Accessibility
Initiative - is misleading for me. It leads me to believe that the
presentation will be solely about WAI, not about Web accessibility and what
WAI does to achieve it.

Possible alternative: Web Accessibility and the W3C Web Accessibility
This title is longish but covers the slide content (first section of slides
on Web Accessibility, two slides on W3C, and last section on WAI.

2. I think Slide 1 could more accurately reflect the slide show content.

3. Three of the six style choices for the slide show are not entirely
accessible - i.e, I cannot read some of the text! Is it possible to create
new styles for the show? Revise some? I am familiar with CSS and can work on

4. I've sent other editorial/grammatical suggestions to Judy.


Blossom Michaeloff
Web Research & Design
Wells Fargo
415.646.9136 fax

Received on Wednesday, 29 January 2003 22:32:37 UTC