Re: visual and auditory navigation: examples needed

Hello Jonathan,

1. Provincie Utrecht:
We worked hard with the province of Utrecht (Netherlands) and Cap Gemini on a menu structure and implementation that is operatable without a mouse and accessible. The menu can be found at:
You can tab through it, open submenu's etc. And it comes out fine in a Jaws, Supernova, the Webformator etc. The menu has a skip to content link that is automatically generated from database and in some cases a click is followed by the focus going to the content automatically. 
Because menuitems are mostly linearised by screenreaders, they added graphics in front of the menuitems saying if it is a menuitem or a submenuitem (in the alt-text). Thus using alt-text as a means to give extra navigational information to people who are blind.
There is a lot more theory and practice implementation behind the scenes here but this should give an example.

2. Sneller 
Sneller is a racinggame for blind people that only uses sound. It was developed to work together with screenreaders. At the start of the program there is a soundmenu. Because of reactions to the use of a soundmenu by the many non-blind players of the game the students of the HKU-KMT that made the program together with Bartimeus Accessibility are now researching into the usability and accessibility of soundmenu-interfaces. The game is translated as i write this but is currently only available in Dutch and can be downloaded from: English version and research results will be available in june 2002.

Kindest regards,

Eric Velleman

Eric Velleman
Stichting Bartimeus - Accessibility
Informatie, advies, webreview en training
Utrechtseweg 84, 
3702 AD Zeist (The Netherlands); 
Tel: +31 (0)30 - 6982401; Fax: +31 (0)30 - 6982347

"The power of the Web is in its universality. 
Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect"
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the WWW


Zie voor disclaimer onze website:

>>> jonathan chetwynd <> 28-3-2002 4:49:59 >>> is being redesigned.

Can anyone point to good simple examples for navigation,which have been 
designed for 'machine readers'

I am concerned that users with a 'reader' will find the 'standard' links 
Using css, or tabindex these could be placed at the end of the document.
Is there an inherent confusion between the auditory and visual channels 
with regard to navigation?
(ie that visually we select the 'new'), and if so a recognised and 
succesful approach?
many links are visually 'greyed out', as in a drop-down, or otherwise, 
how is this best achieved for the non-visual community.

It does seem though that SLD users will prefer 'reading on action' as 
this will be less demanding.
Is it common(or a standard) for readers to provide an on mouse-over read 

The beta is here:, this will change.
click on music then top of the pops, or alternatively 'A'.
We are testing a graphical breadcrumb trail.
how do breadcrumbs work best in the context of a 'reader'


Received on Thursday, 28 March 2002 05:52:19 UTC