Re: Evaluating web sites for accessibility comment on the use of JAWS in Denmark

The correct revision regarding JAWS and Denmark has been restored to the 
editing draft at

Thanks for catching that mistake, Helle.


At 07/06/02 08:39 AM, you wrote:

>In Chuck's latest version of May 30 he writes:
>..."JAWS is the only screen reader translated into Danish, and therefore in
>Denmark, a trained evaluator should evaluate the Web site using JAWS.".. has
>been changed  back to the older version:
>..."JAWS is the screen reader provided by the Danish government, and
>therefore a trained evaluator should evaluate the Web site using JAWS."...
>I would like us to stick to saying that one should evaluate with JAWS
>because of the translation and not because of what is provided by government
>- I'll explain more on the call if necessary
>Kind regards
>Helle Bjarno
>Visual Impairment Knowledge Centre
>phone: +45 39 46 01 04, fax: +45 30 61 94 14
>mail: Rymarksvej 1, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark.

Received on Friday, 7 June 2002 09:47:44 UTC