Questions on selecting software

Hello! Here are some of the things I bumped against in editing the selecting software document. You can get to the edited version here:

About the formatting, I think all the checkpoint links under "Examples of strategies to work around limitations of existing authoring tools" disrupt the flow. This is probably the most useful section of this document, and the person who is selecting software and devising strategies for dealing with software is probably not going to follow a link to learn about the authoring tool guidelines (once they figure out what ATAG stands for). If they need to be there, how about pulling them out and listing them below each strategy? Like the "Related Links" approach we use in the implementation plan document?

Here are some specific questions I had. My memory is so faulty that most of these change log entries drew a blank for me.

From Change Requests from 11 Feb 2002
1 Is this item a "not"? Hard to tell from the changelog.
2 I added A-Prompt to strategy 2 but wasn't sure how to add it to strategy 1.
3 This item did not seem related to selected software or even strategies for worksing around software limitations. It's more of an accessible Web page authoring strategy.
4 and 5 Unclear from changelog what to do about language issues.

From Change Requests from 13 Feb 2002
1.1 I was uncertain where this items belongs. Is this a vendor questions? Is this something you ask webmasters when considering authoring tool selection?
3.2 I would like some suggestions about what we can chop in the intro.
3.4 I do not know what this means.

Maybe we can go over some of these tomorrow at our meeting.

See you!


Received on Thursday, 6 June 2002 17:25:56 UTC