Some remarks on the 'eval' document

I will not be offended when we do nothing with it, but I want to make some remarks on the evaluation document.

1. One other try to explain what I meant with inspecting the entire web site or a page selection. I think it is obvious that the whole web site should be accessible and especially when talking about 'Conformance Evaluation' in principle the inspection scope should be the entire web site. My suggestion would be to suppose that the conformance evaluation concerns the entire web site, but that there are reason to make a page selection e.g. when the web site is very large, having a lot redundancy, and other reasons there might be......
You can put this as a special case or as a footnote.
At the least we may not give the idea that a conformance evaluation can be done with inspecting just a few pages.

2. In section 2.3 is the suggestion to "use a voice browser (such as HPR) OR a text browser  (such as Lynx) and examine the Web site ......"
We use both suggested products in some cases to see what the output is, but the browsers itself are very different. HPR is a browser that deals very well with a lot of the used scripts on the internet and with frames, etc. The Lynx text browser on the other hand is a basic web browser that does not deal with scripts that way.
- At the least the OR between the two supposes that it gives the same information about the accessibility of your web site.
- Second, does anybody know how important it still is to judges a web site by looking to the output of the Lynx browser as the case may be, does anybody know how many people do still use the Lynx browser to access the internet?
To inspect a web site without the knowledge of HTML can also be done with the 'Webformator' from Audiodata. This is a free product that works with IE and gives in a separate window the textual information that also a screenreader might reveal from a web site. 

3. I work already many years with blind people, but never have I tried to imagine what they experience on the web by closing my eyes to know what a blind person may read on the web. (see 2.3) I don't think that this suggestion, somebody without blindness knowledge, will help to understand the accessibility status of a web site.


Henk Snetselaar

Received on Saturday, 6 April 2002 15:53:31 UTC