RE: Internal accessibility feedback

Hi Judy, Harvey, all,

I agree with Harvey that all staff in an organization should have at least 
some mechanism for giving feedback on the accessibility of the 
organization's web site.  In order to do that effectively, all staff need 
sensitizing to the basics of web site accessibility or at least an overview 
(or three or four) on why this is a good idea.

I would have had trouble at some points in bringing web accessibility to 
ALA if I hadn't had the insights and involvement of staff from Customer 
Service, HR, Publications and couple of other units.  We were able to pool 
our knowledge of our customers and not play "Blind Men and the Elephant" 
quite so often.  That is, we could see our customers more as a whole 
organization, not just from the viewpoint of IT or Customer Service or one 
of the eleven divisions or eleven offices.

On Thursday, December 13, 2001 7:48 AM, Harvey Bingham 
[] wrote:
> At 2001-12-13 00:19, Judy Brewer wrote:
> >Hi Harvey,
> >
> >Are you thinking we should add something more explicit under the 
> >opportunity for feedback' point in the implementation plan, to recommend
> >that the feedback options be available internally as well as for 
> >users of Web sites?
> Yes, company personnel should be sensitized to accessibility issues,
> whether or not they are web page designers/creators. Education for
> them as knowledgeable and interested employees who want the best
> external presence (and for that matter intranet presence) seems a given,
> though currently many only report content errors, not accessibility ones.
> We can build on the desire for voice browsers as needed by phone 
> and the need to convert visual sites for that delivery mode.
> Regard/Harvey
> >- Judy
> >
> >At 09:25 AM 12/7/01 -0500, Harvey Bingham wrote:
> > >I think we should sensitize/encourage everyone within an organization 
> > >help others who make web pages to be aware of the accessibility
> > requirements.

Received on Friday, 14 December 2001 14:23:45 UTC