- From: Kathleen Anderson <kathleen.anderson@po.state.ct.us>
- Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 14:33:32 -0500
- To: EOWG <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>
Regarding "color vision deficiency", Vischeck ( http://vischeck.com/index.php3 ) says on this page: http://vischeck.com/what.shtml "Roughly 1 in 20 people have some sort of color vision deficiency.", and, on this page: http://vischeck.com/wade0004.shtml "Roughly 1 in 10 men are fully or partly colour blind." Source: Dr Alex Wade, Research Fellow at Stanford University Kathleen ---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: "Libby G. Cohen" <lcohen@maine.edu> Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 14:08:40 -0500 >Here are some suggestions for the Business Benefits document. >General comments: Omit references to “you” and “your” >Check for consistency of capitalization, punctuation, heading levels >Tone of document has a marketing emphasis. In general, suggest that >language be changed to more matter of fact, descriptive, tone. I have >included specific suggestions that address this. >1. Introduction >second paragraph, first sentence, change “will” to “may” >second paragraph, second sentence insert “organization’s” after “your” >third paragraph, first sentence, change add “s” to the word “duplicaton” > >2. Increase Market Share >first paragraph, first sentence, change “is” to “can be” >first paragraph, first sentence, change “from” to “resulting from the >application of” >third sentence, need to check on statistics, or omit until we have the >evidence NOTE: WHO states that there are more than 120 million people >who are deaf, 180 million who have a visual disability, 40 to 45 million >who are blind and also have a physical disability; WHOSIS statistical >information provides statistics for many countries. Appears as if >incidence of disability at birth varies from around 6% to 26%. > >Improve Usability for non-disabled >Collapse the following two second level bullets: “While the primary Web >device….” and “An increading number of users will …..” >Need to check on statistic on color-blindness. If can’t substantiate, >omit. NOTE: Georgetown Univ. states that 7% of males have some form of >color blindness Manu21-Gentic resource-Selected condition > >Support for Low Literacy Levels >First paragraph, reword second sentence that begins “Following the WCAG >1.0 recommendations” >Need reference citation for second bullet that begins “many studies have >shown that….” > >Improve Search Engine Listings >Third bullet of the second level of bullets: omit “important” omit “ >expensive and informative” > >Repurpose Content >First paragraph, first sentence omit “any” > >Increase Support for Internationalization >Reword first sentence to something like: “In an expanding global >marketplace, the WCAG 1.0 techniques can enhance the organization’s >capability of reaching a global audience.” > > >Assisting Access for Low-Bandwidth Users >First paragraph, second sentence change “underdeveloped” to “developing” > >First paragraph, second sentence add “s” to “limitation” >First paragraph, third sentence can additional examples be used instead >of “etc.”? >First paragraph, third sentence change “eg” to “e.g.” >Second bullet, omit the sentence “The bandwidth savings can be immene.” >Third bullet, omit “significantly” >Fourth bullet omit “rather than following…..” > >Improve Efficiency >First sentence change “will” to “may” >Third bullet omit “significantly” >Sixth bullet correct spelling for the word “adaptatin” >Sixth bullet add “s” to version > >Site Search Engine Improvements >Omit sentence “If your customers’ searching is more successful…..” > >Repurposing Content >First sentence add hyphen between “Web” and “enabled” >Second sentence omit “and” preceding “ensuring” >Second bullet: is the meaning of the phrase “circling around” generally >understood? >Third bullet: suggest that the phrase “technology-challenged” be >reworded. However, I do not have a specific suggestion. > >Demonstrate Social Responsibility >Omit “However, in an extremely competitive…..” >First bullet, omit “disadvantaged” >Second bullet, can refer to WHOSIS statistics on age and disability >Third bullet: may want to add “making the workplace more welcoming” > >Reduce Legal Liability >First sentence, change “institutes” to “institutions” > > >
Received on Saturday, 3 November 2001 14:38:17 UTC