Some MS-Word edits/comments from my reading before today and a few during
the discussion.
----- Original Message -----
From: "LIPKINA,NATASHA (HP-PaloAlto,ex1)" <>
To: "'Judy Brewer'" <>; "EOWG" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 7:20 AM
Subject: Re :Implementation plan
> Dear Judy and all,
> I have completed the next draft of the implementation plan document, and
> would welcome feedback, criticism and concern.
> Before we convert it into html format, it would be easier for me if you
> it back to me with your comments in MS word format in editing mode
> specifying what color you have used so that I know who provided the input.
> Then I can either simply incorporate it into the body of the text or bring
> it for the next meeting discussion in a summarized fashion.
> Please let me know if this approach is acceptable to all of you.
> Best regards,
> Natasha Lipkina
> Platform Services
> SNF2/Accessibility/Compliance/IRIS
> Tel: 650-236-5409
> Telnet: 236-5409