Re: difference of opinion, concerning proposed EOWG meeting.


The June 22 meeting [1] initially came in response to requests from several
people who are very active in promoting Web accessibility in Europe this
year, and who wanted more opportunity to exchange information and
strategies about what kinds of promotion activities were having what kind
of impact in EU and neighboring countries.

In talking further with people active in promoting Web accessibility in
other EU countries (there is extensive activity going on this year, some as
a response to the eEurope Initiative, some arising independently, and some
in coordination with WAI) I found many people very interested in that kind
of focus for a meeting, regardless of whether they could attend that
particular date.

Subsequently we discussed it a number of times on the EOWG mailing list and
in EOWG meetings. There has been good support and interest in the concept
of this meeting.

Again at today's meeting we re-examined the focus of the meeting after
receiving your comment. Comments in today's discussion about the June 22
agenda were all positive, with the exception of the comment that there was
so much already on the agenda that we might have difficulty getting through
it in the time allotted. However, people did not want to change the
specific focus of this meeting.


- Judy

At 08:55 AM 8/14/01 +0100, Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:
>I cannot agree with the direction that Judy is giving to the proposed eowg
>meeting to be held in Europe.
>I have been an active and vigorous campaigner for LDD within EOWG, and WAI,
>however the current EOWG activites are not particularly relevant, and I have
>not been able to contribute directly. Our clients do not have a commercial
>impact directly.
>I feel there is little point in me contributing to the EOWG with this
>unhelpful influence from the chair, expressed to me in a number of offline
>comments, and shall not be attending the meeting.
>I am naturally very disappointed as this is yet another opportunity lost.
>Is the WAI post that was advertised, to be filled?
>jonathan chetwynd
>IT teacher (LDD)
>         "The first and still the best picture
Judy Brewer    +1.617.258.9741
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) International Program Office
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/LCS Room NE43-355, 200 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Friday, 1 June 2001 14:08:45 UTC