difference of opinion, concerning proposed EOWG meeting.

I cannot agree with the direction that Judy is giving to the proposed eowg
meeting to be held in Europe.

I have been an active and vigorous campaigner for LDD within EOWG, and WAI,
however the current EOWG activites are not particularly relevant, and I have
not been able to contribute directly. Our clients do not have a commercial
impact directly.

I feel there is little point in me contributing to the EOWG with this
unhelpful influence from the chair, expressed to me in a number of offline
comments, and shall not be attending the meeting.
I am naturally very disappointed as this is yet another opportunity lost.

Is the WAI post that was advertised, to be filled?

jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (LDD)
http://www.peepo.com         "The first and still the best picture

Received on Friday, 1 June 2001 04:09:11 UTC